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Social Responsibility

Humanistic care:
Care: Liaoning Liangang Chemical Group has been adhering to the purpose of "caring for employees", and strive to create a harmonious and healthy environment for the development of the company. In the process of development, as always, the concept of corporate social responsibility and the core concept of the enterprise unified, committed to let enterprises and employees grow together.

For example:
In 2011, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the group's trade union to help the difficult workers, sent condolences at the same time, but also expressed the group's strong care for workers.
Training: The company regularly organizes employees to participate in job skills training, in order to strengthen the safety management of special operations personnel. Recently, the special operation personnel (electricians, welders) of various units have been comprehensively supervised and inspected for the safe operation of their certificates, and the safety management of special operations has been strengthened to improve the safety awareness and professional quality of relevant personnel.

Environmental protection:
Adhering to the purpose of "scientific and technological innovation of energy saving and consumption reduction", Liaoning Liangang Group has been focusing on environmental protection work for many years, and constantly transforming the original technology. On September 22, 2011, it was awarded the certificate of "Energy Saving and Resource recycling of high-grade Perylene Red Products" by Liaoning Provincial Department of Small and Medium Enterprises.



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